Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Our First Three Years

I have always wanted to get married for as long as I can remember. I remember playing house when I was younger and dreaming of the day when I would finally grow up and all my dreams would come true. My cousins and I would have pretend weddings at my Grandma's house. I remember thinking of how great marriage and raising a family would be. Finding true love, having the perfect wedding, having a great marriage where love was always there. I knew there would be fights and disagreements, I mean everyone says marriage is hard, right. But I still believed the fantasy of the perfect marriage and family life.
As I got older and less naive, or so I thought, I became more aware of the real issues facing marriage. I watched people around me getting divorced, but knew it could never happen to me, I was going to have the perfect marriage and marry the perfect guy and have the perfect life. I knew some about the plague of pornography addiction overcoming our society and did not want to marry anyone who had anything to do with porn. I had no interest in being cheated on in my marriage and knew I would not stand for it. I knew about other issues that were hard on marriages like finances. I am good with money and so I knew I had that covered and a lot of the other things that plagued marriages covered. I could totally handle the marriage thing.
When I started dating the man who is now my husband I knew he was the perfect guy for me. He came from a large family. I come from a small family. He is very easy going and I am more high strung so we kind of even each other out. He is a returned missionary. He was almost done with his Bachelor's Degree and was applying to a master's programs for the field of work he wanted to go into. I have a genetic condition and he was choosing a career that would be very beneficial to me health wise which was a plus. When we would be together late at night we would read scriptures together and pray together. His family was so kind and welcoming to me, I felt like instant family. I prayed about it and everything felt so right.
We got married in 2004. To me, it was the perfect wedding. We went on our honeymoon and came home and packed up and moved halfway across the country for 2 years for him to finish schooling. It was so good for us to be away for those 2 years from family and friends and grow together as a couple. We truly had to rely on each other and make new friends that were ours together and that helped us grow a lot. Those 2 years were the best. I still lived in fantasy land during those 2 years that marriage could be perfect. I really miss that. We had our first son 10 weeks before we moved back to Utah.
I loved our life in Utah as well. raising our son together was so much fun. Watching him grow and change was amazing. being a Mom is the best job in the world. It is so hard, but I would never change it for anything. My husband is the greatest Dad ever! He loves his children with all his heart! When our first son was born he would get up every night every time he needed to eat and change his diaper and bring him to me and I would feed the baby and then he would burp him and put him back to sleep. Even if it was a night he had to get up for work the next day. He has always been willing to help out. I am truly blessed.
Our son kept growing and we decided it was time to have another one. I was so excited to be growing our family. Things were going so well. We had recently bought our first home together and our perfect life just couldn't get any better.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you started a blog! I am so proud of you for owning your story! I can't wait to read more :)
